
Smear of love

During Holi, vibrant hues blend into one another, mirroring the union of lover and beloved, and leaving behind an indelible stain of love. T...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

From a coat's heart

Hey hi!
Remember me.
The new sleeveless coat from your closet.
You bought me exactly a week ago.
The memory is still fresh.
You fell in love with me when you walked in to the shop with your mother but you were still making up your mind. Kind of okay with me. Until that evening when you walked in with your father and mother, and then walked up to me. And guess what, you even tried me once more. I loved it. Your father looked at us – both of us and considered the option. Then you asked for some other coats in my category. I was scared. Competition. What if I lost? I would have to go back to standing in the aisle with other coats. No ways! I held my breath as the salesman shot me a look – It is a Piccado sir, the best that we have. Relief. And this is how I walked out with you - smiling to myself in that shopping bag. One more trial, I made every effort to look my best, got a nod of approval from your cousin too and was tossed on bed. Until you found me a sturdy hanger and put me in a closet. With so many others.
And that is where I have been hanging. Ever since. In a dark, lonely, quiet closet. Waiting for my turn to be picked up. I have not seen the daylight or the evening light ever since. Not that I am complaining but a little fresh air would do me good.
This Tuesday maybe? I heard about Diwali and new clothes.
I promise I will be a good company
Just, you and me and everyone else too - what say?
Oh yes, and do I need to dress up too?
Yours ever.

Linking up with Write on Edge - Red Writing Hood - New


  1. awww how sad! now i got to think about all my clothes that i havent been wearing them lately hahaha...

    beautifully written as always! x susan

    1. Better to do so before the wardrobe starts a revolt. Thank you Susan. It is always a pleasure to hear from you.

  2. Oh, it sounds like a lovely creature, that coat. Let it out into the evening light and air!

    1. Sure Cameron. This Tuesday, we have a date planned. I could not say no :)

  3. Aw. I felt bad for the coat! I too wanted it to be let out. This was both tender and funny. Nicely done in 300 words!

    1. Thank you Whispatory. Now that I know what my coat feels, even I feel bad for it. I will let it out on Tuesday definitely. Thanks for visiting and appreciating.

  4. That's so cute, and so creative! Nicely done.

    1. Thank you so much Kathleen. It was good to hear from you.

  5. Ruby, what a creative story. It had me smiling all the way through. Have a good night.

    1. I am glad my writing my made you smile. This is wonderful. You too have a a wonderful time ahead. Thank you so much Tammy.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.