
Canvas of joy

This haiku celebrates the vibrant spirit of Holi, blending the festive energy of spring with the transformative power of color. The joyful s...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Brave ...

Go …

He has fallen again. He rises again. He is guided by his mother’s voice … Don’t worry … there’s nothing wrong here.
So, he smiles. He balances himself on his tiny feet and gets up again. He takes a few steps and again he falls.
My heart jumps as he falls. This can hurt him, I think. But his parents are smiling. They are joyous. Why this contrast. What is it that they see and I fail too.
And then I see it. He has walked the short distance to his toy. He has walked unaided and all on his own.
They are teaching him to walk.
And then my sister smiles back at me and says … you gotta learn to be a little more brave sweety. It won’t just to do walk with them every step. Be there and do not be there.
I shake my head but then I think over it. Yes, all these little ones will have to brave the realities.
As I think it over, he has started his journey again.
This time he is walking back to us. And I join the encore. I am shouting to him … be brave. And he comes back to us. We all clap and we all smile. The broadest grin … ofcourse that is his own.

Submitting this entry for Five Minute Friday.


  1. So beautifully written.

  2. I love your sweet sentiment here about your little nephew. It can be such a struggle to let go and let them grow. If we never let them fail, how will they grow, and how will they learn to get back up? I have no doubt you will be a great cheerleader for him as he grows and learns!

  3. Ruby, what a great post. You captured the different views on a child's first steps so well. Thanks for sharing your talent.

    1. Thank you Jen. I am glad I participated and got to know you all.

  4. This brings a smile to my face. I can picture a childs first steps and it's so uplifting.

    1. Yes, the happiest moment in life. Thanks for appreciation.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.