Hark! The rhythm

Hark! The rhythm. The pellet drum rattles. The dance begins. The creation, the annihilation, the fleeing in-betweens, and beyond these appar...

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Notelets for you

I sit by the window,


the soothing spring

and spin some words,

delicate, sweet,

and a tad crunchy.

I engrave my odes on paper

like involved intricate carvings.

And then I persuade

the fragrant young gusts

to carry my scribbles

in their folds and pleats

for delivering to you.

One notelet bears

my love for you,

the other, my prayers,

my fervent, ardent wishes.

And I earnestly hope

that when at leisure

you’ll read my letters,

a rosy blush,

a shy smile

will grace your sober lips

at the sheer absurdity of this gift

sent by a crazy me.

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Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.