
Echoes of Shivratri

This free verse poem vibrantly captures the spirited celebration of Maha Shivratri in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. It brings to life the dynamic...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Beneath a broken roof

A broken roof overhead,
All I have;
All I can afford,
Rest for night under
The starlit sky;
Huddled warmth
For the wintery woes;
Rain running showers
For the bath,
Baking sunshine
For the light;
No bag of pearls
To please my dame;
A handful of dough
All I make;
My toil is hard
Then its all I know.
Skin is rough,
Caked up too;
Clothes are drenched,
Damp with sweat;
Reeking of many
Repulsive odours
In my heart,
I am clean and pure.
You look at me
Your costly car.
I wonder,
What you see through that glass,
Tinted darker than the night?
You snub at that begging child;
His touch smearing
You shimmering car.
You roll up window,
And drive away.
I give him a ride
My rickety cart,
Thinking all the while,
Is that all you have,
All you can afford?

Linking with VisDare 48 : Beneath


  1. Hi, I've arrived here from Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. I like your use of imagery.
    Suzanne W. Skeels


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