
Not Durga, Not Lakshmi

While walking through rural Haryana, I was deeply struck by the names given to young girls: names like Antima, Kaafi, Maafi, Batheri, and Ks...

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Threshold .. continued

The last strains of sunlight lingered in the corners, grasping every available point of refraction.  She slid her fingertips along the glass wondering if this was all there ever was. Or could be.
She knelt at the threshold and kissed its dust. Her parting glance was blurred by silent tears. Then she stepped across. Into the twilight of 14th August, 1947.

Tryst with Destiny was being made.

The patrol herded her to the jeep. And all that time, her eyes searched the crowds - for Shera. He should have been here. Shera! Her soul cried out. Sheeeeeraaaaa ......
The jeep stirred.

This is in continuation of the submission made on 7th September, 2012, for Trifextra : Week Thirty-Two
The text in green is the earlier entry.

Linked with Trifextra : week Thirty-Five


  1. Interesting story you're creating here. I'd like to know more.

  2. Interesting! I missed this one the first time around, but in combination, this sounds like the beginning of quite a story.

  3. This is a great continuation of what will be a fascinating story. I wonder where they are taking her.

    1. Wait and you shall know. Thank you Lumdog, I remember that you wanted me to expand this one and today I had the chance.

  4. You took this from thoughts to action flawlessly, and yes we want more! Great job!

  5. It speaks to me as time traveling excitement. Great addition to the first 33, Ruby!

    1. Thank you Gina, it will a little time travelling but not in the literal sense.

  6. Awww! To go so far only to not have the person be there, that is so frustrating. I wonder what happened? Write some more, please!

    1. And that is so incapacitating. I will try and expand the story further when I get the chance. Thank you Hickman.

  7. Wow my dreams tonight are going to be infused with all these story lines that left me hanging. Oh my!

    1. Thank you Kenya. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your visit and your kind words.

  8. An intriguing beginning. I'd like to read more too.

  9. Intriguing mystery. It has me guessing. Nice.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.