
Not Durga, Not Lakshmi

While walking through rural Haryana, I was deeply struck by the names given to young girls: names like Antima, Kaafi, Maafi, Batheri, and Ks...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Adney was not looking forward to her journey. There was no fun in travelling by air. All it did was save time. But one had to endure the boring faces buried in laptops and tablets.
She could survive that much. Hopefully!
She saw hands feverishly typing on keyboards and took the hint burying herself in the worn out edition of Doctors.
The world around her blurred and fell into oblivion.
Until that moment.
It was the thought of his presence that broke her reverie. She looked up in time to find him making his way through the aisle, his gait nonchalant, his bearing casual. Adney, however, knew better.
She wondered if his presence on that flight was a coincidence.
Her mind echoed yes. Her heart whispered no. She did not side by either. For that moment at least.
Instead she tried to busy herself in her book. But being acutely conscious of his presence as she was, the words from the book made little sense.
It was a week ago that she had walked out of her heaven with Jake. She had thought of herself as a misfit in his perfect world. And she had hoped for things to fall back to normal. For both of them.
They had not. Neither for Jake, as it appeared; nor for her.
So, she finally let her heart win the battle. And with it, she sealed her fate. Forever.
Jake could surely do well with some of her flaws. After all, was not too much perfection an imperfection in itself?
Adney kept sitting as did Jake. The people around them were busy getting their handbags, switching on the mobiles, disembarking.
It was only when the two of them remained, did Jake look back.
“We don’t want to keep the crew waiting forever, do we?”
Adney shook her head through smiles and tears.
They had walked in separately but they walked out hand in hand.

Linking up with Trifecta : Week Thirty-Seven


  1. Very sweet. Too much perfection is...annoying.

    1. Thank you Gina. Yes, too much perfection can get annoying at times.

  2. This is such a nice story. It reads like a poem, but has all the perfect details of a great work of prose. I love her inner debate about whether his being there was a coincidence or not!

    1. Thank you so much for such kind words. I sure is encouraging to read such positive thoughts on the little story.

    2. It's not just a ittle story, it's great wtiting.I imagine this could be a bigger story. The before...the after, the possibilities are endless. I admit, I'm a sucker for a happy ending, but I really was blown away by this.

  3. oh, very romantic ending! (are you SURE they did not know they would both be on the flight?!)


    1. Thank you. Yes, I am sure they had not known each other's plans.

  4. Oh I don't know. Does real life ever work out this way? Good story.

    1. I do wish to hear that real life works out this way. Thank you Jeanna.

  5. Charming and entertaining. Loved it. :)

  6. Ah! How I wish such stories were true... :-P

  7. I loved it! That was such a sweet ending. (:

  8. This sounds like the perfect end to a longer, more involved piece. How did it get so bad? What brought them together in the first place? Beautiful prose.

    1. Thank you Wisper. As to the questions that have come up, your guess is as good as mine for the time.

  9. Aw, such a sweet ending! I'm glad pride didn't get in the way and keep them apart.--JannaTWrites

  10. Okay, the Captcha thing doesn't like me tonight. I don't think my first comment went through.

    I like the sweet ending and I'm glad they didn't let pride get in the way.--JannaTWrites

    1. I think I removed the captcha thing but I will check again.
      Thanks once again.

  11. Thanks so much for linking up. Such a sweet piece. I don't know if it happens in real life, but isn't that what writing is for? :-) Hope to see you back soon.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.