
Not Durga, Not Lakshmi

While walking through rural Haryana, I was deeply struck by the names given to young girls: names like Antima, Kaafi, Maafi, Batheri, and Ks...

Monday, June 11, 2012

All is fair at 8 P.M.

I hear the Gran adjusting her footwear outside – it must be time. She calls out to me – expecting the technological support. I follow her silently and switch the television on for her and adjust the volume. No, I do not have to ask her what channel and what serial. In her case – the choice is actually no choice. One serial, one channel. If they ever gave an award for serial loyalty, I am pretty sure, Gran could get a nomination. Anyways, the television springs to life. And then for another half an hour, she forgets I am there.

Half an hour later – she sighs with sadness – she will have to wait till tomorrow – in expectation and anticipation.

This happens daily without fail.

The clock strikes 8 every evening without fail.

And Gran positions herself before the television – every evening without fail.

Half of the time, I do not even check the clock to confirm if it is about time.

I know it will be. Plus minus a few minutes. And most of the time, it is minus.

Yes, the body clock works so perfectly.

All this because, Gran is addicted to the daily soap opera “Balika Vadhu” on Colors.

Every evening, she waits eagerly and religiously for the program to begin.

At that time all the mundane things cease to exist – and - the important matters stand postponed. All is fair at 8 P.M.

All day long, she talks about the life of protagonist. She so totally believes in the reality of that serial. She thinks the wedding, the ditching by Anandi’s husband, her family crying – is all real. I wonder if she knows as much about our neighbors as she does about this girl Anandi.

Hundreds of time, we have tried explaining to her that this is all make believe. Hundreds of time we have failed. If it were up to her, she would not let go of any advertisement, any repeat telecast of the program. So, we have all come to accept the fact that Anandi is there to stay in her heart - along with all of us – nothing doing. She is as much a family to her as we all are.

Trust me; it is like watching a kid getting all excited about his favorite movie or getting a bag full of candies – or may be losing oneself in the world of video games or books.

Now I know how my craze of  The Twilight series, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings or the likes of them might sound.

Yeah Granny, that makes two of us – you with your Balika Vadhu and me with – well ,err – the list is long.


  1. Great narrative. I can picture your gran and her loyal viewing and discussing of the lives she watching on TV.

  2. I had to give up General Hospital for lent once.. because.. I was that bad. My mind kept wandering over during my day to characters that are not real who could care less about me. I tried to tell myself that I watch it because I like the hairstyles or clothes, but I knew better.. I was obsessed in an unhealthy way. I had to separate myself from it and in the words of Vanilla Sky.. "Live a REAL life.."

    1. So good to hear that you gave up the addiction finally.

  3. I had to smile at this because I have the fondest memories of watching serials with my grandmother. Often they had subtitles and we picked up new words in other languages that way. I have a favorite book series too and while I know it's not real it hasn't stopped me from reading it 24 (!) times now. (Ok, over a span of 24 years but still.)

    1. Yeah these are truly some of the fondest memories. When she is not around, we really do miss this routine. I am so glad we both share similar thoughts.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.