Hark! The rhythm

Hark! The rhythm. The pellet drum rattles. The dance begins. The creation, the annihilation, the fleeing in-betweens, and beyond these appar...

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Song birds

Delicate ties of fragile thread,
running deep, profound.
Birds from flock,
defined by feathers, flights and songs,
bonded by blood, wired by sacraments,
we grow.
We change. We drift. We wander.
We stay. Rooted. Connected. Enduring. Surviving.
The knot secure but loose,
allowing enough space
to hold “me” and "mine” together.
The elements of zodiac,
the air, earth, water and fire,
so distinct and yet so dependent.
And like the constants of linear equations,
we reside in hearts.
Consistently. Continuously.
Subtle whispers,
slightest ripples
are enough
to stir us for each other.
For we are all but
large parts of one another.

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Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.