
Blooming Thanks

In the vibrant embrace of spring, nature exudes an undeniable joy that mirrors the peace within our hearts. This haiku encapsulates that ser...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Some life

Sleeping off her mornings,
For this bachelor girl
Doesn’t have to
Send people
To schools or offices.
And when she faces the sun,
Hurries with hair and care.
A slice of bread
Perhaps two
And rarely three
Downed with milk,
Not often though.
And then off to office.
Steps outrunning others,
To make it on time.
Her ever-growing list
Of stuff for guys back home.
Steps outrunning shadows,
Mind planning
Some mix-n-match cooking
Towards evening.
Then some aimless browsing,
Poem or two.
The day’s all-done.
Trying to sleep
With an
Aching thought.
‘tis not my home-roof.
Unfaltering routine.


  1. Oh Ruby. Well first, I loved the lyric to it, the flow of it, as if we were rising and scurrying out the door with her, sometimes I wish for the days when I had no one to worry about but myself in the morning. Thoughts to myself, dinner was whatever I chose etc. But those last two lines, the ache in a routine that is done alone is marinated in sadness...and you feel it.

    I loved it, even the sadness in it.
    (so glad to be here in your space)

    1. Thank you so much Kir. It is really so encouraging to hear such kind words from you.

  2. Such a beautiful rhythm to a ho-hum routine. Gorgeous work. :)

  3. This has a nice flow. Steps outrunning shadows- that line really stood out for me.

  4. What a beautiful skip through someone's day. Lovely write. Thanks for linking up and tell everyone to come to our Trifecta 99 party!

    1. Thank you so much Editors. It is really encouraging to hear from you

  5. steps outrunning others, steps outrunning shadows, and then 'not my home-roof'
    You have no idea how much I get that, Ruby!
    Such a delicate reflection.

  6. What beautiful words. It's like peeking into someone's day through their own thoughts.

    1. Thank you Sherry. I did attempt a running peek into someone's life

  7. This is lovely, and very thought provoking. At first I admit to being a bit jealous - you made me nostalgic for my barely-remembered bachelor-girl-life. But the last five lines reminded me of the trade-offs.

    1. And the trade offs are costly. Aren't they? thank you so much for sharing your rhoughts

  8. Such a lovely presentation to a lonely picture. The selfless toil for the ones you care about. Deeply moving.

  9. This was gorgeous and very lyrical. I had acoustic guitar and a standup bass playing in head as I read it.

    I love the depth and the melancholy.

    One of my favorites of the week.

    1. Thank you so much Lance. I really appreciate all this encouragement from your end

  10. Love the lyrical flow of this. Excellent work! Oh, I remember those carefree days before I had people to send to schools and offices. Sigh. :)

  11. A hum drum life of a carefree & footloose bachelor girl-seemingly fun but not really so!A wonderful insight into the burdens that an ordinary modern day girl or boy may carry and the lonely existence-the pangs of homesickness-amazing piece Ruby:-)


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.