
Smear of love

During Holi, vibrant hues blend into one another, mirroring the union of lover and beloved, and leaving behind an indelible stain of love. T...

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Curse of The Red Lady

The beaded veil,
The pleated gazar,
The blush on cheeks
Befitting a bride -
But cast aside.
Her lowered eyes,
Shed silent tears –
Stained with his blood.
200 Years later,
An uncelebrated museum -
The audience left,
Admiring “The Red Lady”.
They say the marble never fades.
One among them, fell in love,
And never saw the daylight.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Heather. I was hoping the story to reach across. I am glad it did. Sorry for the chills though :)

  2. This is so tragic, yet so eloquently written! Well done. Thank you for writing for us. We hope you come back on the 15th!

    1. Thank you Mel. I will try my level best to participate next time.

  3. Love it love it love it! thought it's quite sad and tragic but I just love it!

    xx susan

    1. I guess I am blushing here. This is so encouraging to hear. Thank you Susan.

  4. Shut up! That is so good, lady. Hang on to it and enter it somewhere. I'll bet it would win.

    Please do come play again soon. We host every 1st and 15th and we're up for a week per link-up.

    1. Thank you so much Michele. This is one of the best compliments in my list. Thank you so much. And if ideas keep up, I will definitely play again with you. I enjoyed this challenge thoroughly.

  5. Haunting and wistful and beautiful. Love it.

  6. Wow. There are so many layers to this poem. I had to read it twice to absorb only half of it. Fantastic work! Chilling. Thanks for contributing this week to Picture it & write!

    - Ermisenda

    1. Thank you so much Ermisenda. Your words are so encouraging. I enjoyed hearing from you.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.