
Not Durga, Not Lakshmi

While walking through rural Haryana, I was deeply struck by the names given to young girls: names like Antima, Kaafi, Maafi, Batheri, and Ks...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Doing the dishes!

Yesterday’s gala at our house saw many crossed fingers. Trying to keep away rain. We had planned the celebration as a terrace party to gobble up that ever swelling milieu comfortably. But we expected  some 125 guests. At any other time, we could have managed with plates and spoon from our cupboard but not this time. 125 sets! Wow! The tent house services J my idea. Bad idea! The plates did look clean on the outside. But to be doubly sure, we (me included) sat in the scorching sun, doing the dishes before putting them to use. Hail the hygiene!


  1. Wow. My hat's off to you for hosting that big of an event at your home. Hopefully all went well!

    1. Thank you Wisper. Everything went smooth and the function was a big success. We are all basking in the glory of a well deserved rest now. The other events for this wedding are arranged at a wedding palace so that takes away a lot of tension. Not all of it but some of it definitely.

  2. Sounds like a lot of work but glad it went well.

    1. Yes Carver, lots of work but we are all so relaxed things are going pretty fine.

  3. ahhh - happy the bride the sun shines on, as they say. Not sure I would have happily washed all those dishes pre-party. But, kudos to you for doing so. :)

    1. Thank you Barbara. And I like the first line very much. I had no heard it before. Thanks for sharing.

  4. That does sound like a lot of work, but it also sounds like a splendid gathering!

    1. It is lots of work and it is a splendid gathering. Thank you Velvet Verbosity.

  5. Large gatherings of people for which I'm responsible stress me out. Good for you for making it work!

    1. My family worked together as a team and I am proud of this. This is some nth time we have been hosting big parties. The stress is there but it is also fun.

  6. Great writing. I 1had to read the line about 125 guest at your house several times to make sure I was reading it right. Very Brave

    1. Thank you Bo. Yes the gathering neared that count plus minus a few.


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