
Cloaked in blessings

As the grand festivities of Mandi Shivratri draw to a close, a sacred ritual marks the completion of the celebrations—barely powder, sanctif...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


We are celebrating a wedding here.
Guests have already started coming for what is going to be the most breathtaking moment of my cousin’s life. And excitement galores here.
The ladies of the house are still making rounds to the tailors and the jeweler shops to get their scarlet and green suits right, to find some stunning adornment for their necks, arms, hair or ears. And I am wondering if they or rather their tender ear lobes will be able to bear the weight of things they are coveting. You see, I am pretty much decided with what I am going to wear and how I am going to wear it. Well, well! An advantage of not having to look after tiny trots or an ever nagging husband or wondering what my in-laws are going to think of my shopping spree.
And we are sure looking forward to tonight’s celebrations. With me writing for some three challenges in one post, it should be very clear, that we (I mean me and my family) are the hosts tonight. It is the night when we all sing and dance our hearts out – our ample Punjabi curves notwithstanding. Every nightingale of the house is revising her notes and trying her best to keep her little library a secret from others. Just like every damsel is stealing glances in that ancient mirror, convincing it to aver that she is the prettiest of them all.
Tomorrow, the couple will exchange their rings. Vintage candlestick on tables and roses will set the evening for romance. And come Saturday, we will set out to bring home the bride. Dancing, singing and marching with family and friends. Right from the heart of the town to a beautifully done wedding palace. And finally a sunny Sunday will see the couple exchanging vows.
And before we know it the guests will be saying goodbyes. Lives will be back to normal. Lovebirds will be flying out.
Let the celebrations begin!

Linking with Trifecta : Week Forty-Three
Linking with Write on Edge : Red Writing Hood Prompt - Clue (it goes live on Friday)
Linking with Picture it and Write it


  1. Sounds wonderful! And I have a pair of earrings like that by an Indian designer; they're so gorgeous, but wow, hard to wear for long.

    1. I am glad to have you with me on the earrings Annabelle. Most of the time I try to look for pieces in light weight. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't. But ethnic and traditional Indian styles are definitely gorgeous.

    2. The ones I have are light for their size, but still. But I can't resist for special occasions!

    3. Yeah, occasionally one can afford to indulge oneself.

  2. This sounds like it is going to be a wonderful celebration and you have described it beautifully!

    1. Thank you Lumdog. I do hope that the entire celebration will be wonderful.

  3. A joyful piece! Blessings to the couple, and to their friends and family too!

  4. Nice combination of prompts! Very well done. I love the imagery in this piece.

    1. Thank you Wisper. I am glad you like the little piece.

  5. Replies
    1. Yup and the first leg is over too. Can't believe that.

  6. Lovely setting and prose, Ruby. Also, I had to hunt for the word...that;s a good thing.

    1. Thank you Lance. It is so good to hear such encouraging words.

  7. Thank you Flippa Bird. It is so much fun.

  8. What a lovely celebration! Thanks for sharing this with us. Be sure to come on back for the new challenge.

  9. Have a great weekend! Sounds like a zoo, but a fun and joyful one.

    1. More like a fish market I would say :)
      But truly joyful one.

  10. I hope you are having a truly wonderful weekend. I can feel your excitement and anticipation in your words!

    1. I am feeling on the top of the world. There is so much fun in the air. Thank you Angela and you too have a fantastic time ahead.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.