
Cloaked in blessings

As the grand festivities of Mandi Shivratri draw to a close, a sacred ritual marks the completion of the celebrations—barely powder, sanctif...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


The thoughts and the absence thereof
Scribbled on the blank paper,
Perhaps, reads something like this.
Words put together can still make sense.
It is however, a vacant living,
A wandering existence,
That I am really scared of.


  1. hmmm yes it is something to think about, action versus writing and dreaming. Intention really doesn't count for much or is that what gives us meaning? enjoyed it :-)

  2. A wandering existence! yes! Well done.

  3. I like what you said about a wandering existence. Thought provoking piece :D

  4. Vacant living and wandering existence are great descriptions. Great response!

  5. I think the narrator is disturbed by the lack of coherance of the writing process. But isn't that what makes writing wonderful? That a writer can take a jumble of thoughts and transform them into a set of words that is meaningful and beautiful seems like a great gift. Anyway, I may have missed the boat here. I've been known to do that! ;)

    1. The biggest joy of the window of writing is that each is entitled to his view. One can hop any boat that one likes. I enjoyed when you crafted a beautiful definition of a writer here. Sounds like a magic.

    2. I can see now that I got on a different boat that the one you were sailing on, so thank you for your diplomatic response. I actually enjoy it when people miss my point since I get to hear how multi-faceted my work is! ;) Seriously, you inspired me to comment further since I do think that the ability to write is a gift and IS magic!

    3. I AM glad that you replied back. And yes, I did try to put that across diplomatically. But I too enjoyed to see a new dimension of thought here. Seriously and this comes from heart, thank you Lumdog.

  6. Very thought provoking. I read it several times and enjoyed it each and every time.

    1. Thank you Jeanna. I am glad you enjoyed reading this post.

  7. A vacant living is what I am scared of too! Beautiful job!

  8. This was great! To the point and focused. I read this aloud and loved how it flowed, too.

  9. I think a vacant life is a good thing to be afraid of. Thanks for linking up. Be sure to come on back tomorrow for the new challenge.

    1. Thank you editors. I too hope to be able to participate in this weekend's challenge.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.