
Canvas of joy

This haiku celebrates the vibrant spirit of Holi, blending the festive energy of spring with the transformative power of color. The joyful s...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I know, I heard – the world ends in three days.

Breaking news: The world will end in three days.
A very good morning!
Why are you making us study laws of motion?
‘Coz it is a part of your curriculum.
What curriculum – didn’t you hear the world ends in three days?
Ponder over it, girl! If the world is really about to end in three days what difference does it make whether they really know the laws of motion, gravitation or for that matter the mighty God particle itself. I am forced to think. How I wish back for the days when my students echoed the innocence of having confused me and my sister and giving me a brood (no not really a brood, it is just two) of kids to take care of in return.
The next batch comes. Alright this one should go down without the drama. It is only plain English – the good old English.
Write a letter to the editor-
Views on the world ending in three days???
These guys are never ever going to write a letter – in their whole life. So, there is no point in this study. But what about my duty?
One of them seems genuinely interested though. So, alright, he will be my ally and hopefully the others will follow suit.
Are we going to do this letter writing now?
Yes, I want to teach it to kids.
What kids?
My kids. Obviously, I am going to have kids one day.
Right on. Kids. I force a smile. I do not know if I am sane. Not any longer. And before I can make sense of it all, the other one chips in brightly -
But the world ends in three days! Are you planning kids before that?
Definitely not an English class discussion. It is time we did some letter writing.
One more to go. And we are doing Life Processes. This boy is sincere so may be – maybe I can hope.
But I know, I heard – the world ends in three days.

Linking with Write on Edge


  1. I love the determined denial by the one who wants kids.

    1. No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible. Thanks for the visit.

  2. I like how you laid out the sentences to explain teh conversation and letters. Good job.

    1. Thank you Lance. It is always good to hear encouraging words from you.

  3. I guess there's always hope. Never give up until the bitter end!

    1. Always a hope for a tomorrow - better and brighter than today. Thanks for the visit

    2. And many thanks for joining me in my blogging journey too.

  4. I love how everybody has a different take on the prompt.

    1. Yeah it actually became a conglomeration of thoughts. I let the words flow out on their own this time round. Less of scripting.

  5. I'd be reluctant to believe the world was ending too. Especially if I wanted kids that badly (and everyone knows that doesn't happen in only three days!)

    1. And it is from this reluctance that hope springs :) Thanks for stopping by.

  6. I love the humor you interjected - the letters to the editor regarding the end of the world, the insistence on having kids someday. Funny.
    Thanks for linking up and for changing the font. Much easier to read this week. We appreciate it:) Come on back Monday for the new challenge. It's going to be fun.

    1. Thank you editors. It is good to hear such encouraging words. I would love to be able to participate in Monday challenge. And I am also happy to hear that the font change helps :)

  7. wanting the world to continue as it does, to have the reassurance of all those things that should be, that are, to continue. even if the world ends in three days. perhaps, that is the only way to keep sane in such a circumstance.
    i do like how you wrote this. it was in one sense humorous, in another despairing. well done.

    1. We all need security even if it comes for seconds but it does bring relief in its wake. thank you for the encouraging words. I appreciate your visit.

  8. Nice piece! I love the comment about kids -- no way in 3 days LOL! Lots of different takes on the prompts from the world really ending to the ends of a particular situation. Really enjoyed this prompt!

    1. Thank you Tessa. I am glad that you enjoyed this little write up from my end.

  9. Loved it. I had a similar discussion with my son a while ago. The world might end in 3 days but life goes on.

    1. And the life must go on, come what may. Thank you so much Cathy.

  10. Kids have a way of using their innocence against that but the world ends in three days are you going to have kids before that? Sounds like the days of when I used to work at an elementary school.

    1. Yeah I kind of deal with kids at elementary level though not in school. Thanks for the visit and appreciation.

  11. I loved the stream of consciousness, teacher-trying-to-get-through-the-day feel here. I felt such sympathy for this teacher trying to hold on for one student with a useless theme to hand the class.

    1. Thank you Jessie. The teacher sure is having tough time with kids. She could use all the help that she gets here but alas, the world ends in three days :)

  12. That these guys are never going to write a letter in their whole lives ... it made me smile but it's rather sad, too, huh?

    1. yeah, the young generation is never going to know the joy of writing letters and waiting for the postmen. It is saddening.

  13. Writing a letter to the Editor.... what is that teacher? Very fitting, and so insightful as to this generation. Letter writing has gone by the way side to texting, listening to news to Face Book... new generation, new views. And waiting for kids.... LOL. Well done! Hugs

    1. I so agree with you. Thank you for appreciating this little writing.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.