
Smear of love

During Holi, vibrant hues blend into one another, mirroring the union of lover and beloved, and leaving behind an indelible stain of love. T...

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Yesterday's Rain

The rain birthed life everywhere. The dry, parched earth sucked in the nectar- its thirst insatiable .Oh for the fragrances that lingered - fresh and pristine – like the swirls of incense in the air. After sweltering summers, the rain was a pleasant welcome. Every one experienced unparalleled joy – everyone felt ecstatic as they bathed in the beauty of the pelting drops. One - two – hundred – thousands of drops – that ended the might of the Sun – that devastated the cruel and merciless rule of heat – that cleansed, smoothed and soothed the scorched and cindered beings.

Yesterday, the rains possessed us all.

Linking up with Write on Edge


  1. I like the way you stepped outside of a person and into nature with clear and concise imagery. It rained here today, and you described it well.

  2. How beautiful! We had a few dark clouds pass by our home yesterday and I was praying they would give us a refreshing shower to perk up our garden but it wasn't meant to be.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving the sweet comment. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you Sherry. The onset of the monsoons has been delayed almost everywhere. May be that is why you did not have any rains. But I will pray for a cool and refreshing rain shower for you.
      It is good to have you visiting. Reading your blogs is always a pleasure.
      You too have a blessed and lovely weekend ahead.

  3. Lovely poetry. :) Where I grew up, the first rain after a long period of dryness always made us very happy...

    1. Thank you Cathy :) It is so good to be able to share the thoughts with you.

  4. Lovely. Flowed so smoothly and had nice imagery.

  5. The imagery here is really lovely. A small thing - I might use a different word than "breathed" for rain bringing the ground and land back to life. Breathed speaks to me more as air than water, so it jarred me a bit at the beginning.

    1. Thank you Angela. I totally agree breathed is used more with air and water. I was kind of stuck up there and after that it became easy to write. A great learning for me. Thank you so much.

  6. Lots of vivid imagery here. I agree with Angela, but I have no suggestion that would fit. Maybe "returned"?

    1. Thank you Shelton. I will try and improvise for the future.

  7. "The rain possessed us all" is a lovely thought.

  8. Here's a thought for you on the "Rain breathed life" issue - "Rain birthed life". May tie in with the water idea better. Not entirely sure how it would flow, but it's a thought. I think you did a great job with the piece. Simple and elegant - definitely the way to go!

    1. Thank you Wisper. I guess your suggestion rings well with me and I am editing the post in tandem with the suggestion. Thank you so much.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.