
Smear of love

During Holi, vibrant hues blend into one another, mirroring the union of lover and beloved, and leaving behind an indelible stain of love. T...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

No time to be feeling blue

She mulled over her day.
She had hoped to strike off so many things from her to do list.
But despite her having worked round the clock, breaking only for lunch and coffee, not much progress had been made.
She could still see the pending and work –in- progress things looking askance at her – when will you strike us off?
She had always had to work hard. With her getting into wedlock and getting a new job, she had hoped things would become easier. But who knew her husband would leave her for someone with better looks and better salary. The hollow words that he had whispered to her now echoed in her ears like a curse.  I love you. You are beautiful, my love ………
He was gone. And he had left behind, an ailing mother, a young sister and a trail of debts that she was trying to pay back.
Her shoulders were weak and the burdens - heavy.
No, things had never been easy. And they were worse now.
Her mind throbbed as she rested in the rocking chair. Her back ached and her heart felt heavy. She closed her eyes in order to dull the pain. She felt despair and blackness consume her. She opened her eyes in a flash.
No, this is no time to be feeling blue. She slipped her feet into the slippers and got up. There were things to accomplish and she would accomplish them. She could rest later. She could relax later. When she would have time. Later, when the demons would stop haunting her.
So, she sat on her desk and started scribbling away the articles that she had to submit by tomorrow.
The aching in her heart dulled.
She had slept while still working on her table.
The rays of a beautiful dawn bathed her beautiful silhouette.


  1. Very nice Ruby. It's poetic and stoic at the same time, just like the heroine.

    1. Thank you Cathy. I am glad the character of the heroine comes out so well.

  2. and that is what is known as true strength. well done.

    1. Thank you Renada for reading and appreciating the story.

  3. It takes a lot to keep going at moments like those -- I'm glad she got her sunrise.

    1. I was wondering if that line would be sufficient or would I have to continue the story. But I think your response makes me believe that the story stands complete. Thank you Annabelle. It is such an encouragement to hear from you.

  4. Lovely!!

    This is written so that we like and understand this woman. I think that you did a great job with it!

  5. I liek the poetic quality and the stylish way you lay out beautifuls at the end,

    good work

  6. I like how she allows herself to feel the grief for just a bit, but then she gets herself busy so se doesn't fall too far into it.

    1. This is my favorite part too. So that makes two of us. Thank you Janna.

  7. Beautiful. I love the strength this woman has holding her head up, pushing through when all she wants to do is curl up and be sad. I can feel this.

    1. Thank you Gina. I believe we all have this strength. It is just a matter of exploring it.

  8. nice take on the blue. Not an easy word.

  9. I like her - her inner strength and attitude and kindness. If I were her, I won't be only blue, I will be raving mad and vindictive. I hope her story continues and the man gets his comeuppance in the end. :-)


    1. This is a great compliment in itself. Thank you Imelds. I will see if I can continue her story.

  10. Sad circumstances, but she'll pull through. Nice response to the prompt!

  11. Dawn's hope shines. Thank you for an uplifting ending. I enjoyed your exploration of blues. Having been somewhere similar....your piece certainly nails the overwhelming feeling that can bring us down. Wow. Writing is a release.

    1. I am glad to have you with me in this exploration too. i am glad the character touched so many hearts. Thank you for your visit Brenda. And I totally agree when you say writing is a release.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.