
By Thy Word, We Dance

The universe moves in divine rhythm, an eternal dance guided by an unseen force. Every star, every planet, and every living being sways in h...

Monday, May 11, 2020


Deepest reverence,
that a simple, sacred courtesy can offer.
Syllables of greeting,
sound of spirits,
rhythm of souls.
A quest,
beyond me and mine,
towards you and yours.
From me to you,
this salutation, a yielding,
evoking the divine within us,
recognizing and ratifying,
the pious and pure.
The resonance in hearts,
the synchronization of energies,
the vibrations in ether,
the rising joy in universe,
the calming effect on beings,
and finally
that irresistible curling of lips in smile.
A humble obeisance.
Ancient. Traditional. Time-honoured.
Logical. Precise. Scientific.
Archaic? Yes.
Contemporary, too.
So cultural.
And so in vogue.

Writing for 100wordbstroy challenge on Momspresso 

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