
The pulse of freedom

There is a sight I hold dear. A misty morning, a grey veil, green hills in the background, lush and abundant. On the fore, at about 100 feet...

Monday, August 12, 2024

Song of swing

This was written on 7th of August, 2024, saved in drafts and not posted...

The waxing crescent
blushes beautifully.
Gleaming gorgeous greens,
swing merrily in monsoons.
Anklets tinkle freely,
like ringing laughters in parental abodes.
Misty showers of grace,
answer the supplications.
Couples soak in joys,
on their journey together.
Love blossoms,
life sprouts,
and nature rejoices.
The creation
celebrating the creator.

Welfare unto all 
Rab rakha 

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Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.