Hark! The rhythm

Hark! The rhythm. The pellet drum rattles. The dance begins. The creation, the annihilation, the fleeing in-betweens, and beyond these appar...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Busy Tuesday morning at crossroad. A familiar but unintelligible grumble drowned in the blaring horns. A mini traffic jam. Struggling cars. Unspared revilements. Scared, rooted, numb. The mind busy working its way out. The gruff voice again. This time closer. Instinctively I look up. And there he was. Balancing himself strategically on his crutches. His speech totally incomprehensible. He stood right in the middle, muttering, risking life and causing bedlam. Till I looked up. Gestured if I am fine. I smiled and nodded. And he moved on. Totally oblivious to blaring cacophony behind him. It had been a few days.

Linking with Velvet Verbosity: 100 words: Gruff


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.