Hark! The rhythm

Hark! The rhythm. The pellet drum rattles. The dance begins. The creation, the annihilation, the fleeing in-betweens, and beyond these appar...

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Creative capture

An advertisement made me go numb today. They have this KBC set up and a girl from north-eastern India is on the hot-seat. There's this off the television audience. They cover her family, anxious but obviously happy, the street boys who might have been whistling at her till yesterday, a brother type character and general north-east crowd in that 30-40 seconds run. Then they put across this question Kohima is part of which country? The girl goes for an audience poll. 100% say India. The host says everybody knows it. Then comes the clincher but how many feel it?

Linking with Velvet Verbosity : 100 words : Whistling


  1. oh, Ruby - this leaves me wondering - there is a back story here that 100 words won't allow. Thank you.

    1. Yeah and I will try to cover it up in a series. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. I felt there was much more going on here than I knew, so I looked up Kohima and in the space of five minutes I learned a brief bit about the geography and history of the region. Then I came across the story that your story relates to ... Wow, a powerful statement that resonates in so many countries, including here in Ireland. Well told and thank you for sharing this story. :)

    1. Thank you Siobhan. Oh and it makes me sad that such things happen at your place too. But guess people are people everywhere.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.