
Not Durga, Not Lakshmi

While walking through rural Haryana, I was deeply struck by the names given to young girls: names like Antima, Kaafi, Maafi, Batheri, and Ks...

Monday, July 23, 2012

That would be enough for today

Go ....

Maasshhii … greets my younger nephew as I come home after having put in a long day.
He has never addressed me before, at least not by this relation. 
So, it was a pleasant surprise
His being a late speaker had delayed this joy.
“But wait and you shall have the sweetest fruits”.
His callout to me is still ringing in my ears,
a good 11 hours after I first heard it.
I wonder if he will remember the little exercise of his larynx today.
It is not an easy word, but then I was told that he had crooned the word like a song the whole yesterday.
So what if all he wanted me to do was put on his favorite songs?
He had talked with me and that alone pleases me.
And that is enough for now, enough for today.
We have the whole lifetime to talk our hearts out.
To chit chat, to discuss, to fight.
But for today, “Masi” would definitely suffice.

Linking with Five Minute Friday


  1. That's wonderful! My boy was a late talker too, so I definitely know what you mean.

    I received great news this week that I will finally become an aunt too. It's an excellent feeling.

    1. Many congratulations Cathy. I can relate so well to this excellent feeling. It is good to be able to share their little world with them.

  2. Great story. Sounds like he's off to a great start.

    1. Thank you Carver. Yes, a great start. Soon we will have to ask him to cut down on his talks.

  3. As a father of three, you brought back fond memories. I like the way you have to remind yo urself to be patient.

    1. Thank you for reading and appreciating. I am glad the write up revived happy memories.


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