
Smear of love

During Holi, vibrant hues blend into one another, mirroring the union of lover and beloved, and leaving behind an indelible stain of love. T...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Waiting for the roses

All she could hear was blaring horns. He must have been stuck in traffic jam. They are very common at this time of the evening … midst the rush of cars rushing home from office,.

Remember to get some roses.”  She hoped she had been audible enough. The connection had been weak and the voice had cracked near the end.
On the other end, an impatient Eddie waited for the jam to clear off soon. The phone call from his wife had been a pleasant distraction from the present milieu.

Remember to get some roses” … the voice had faded over the loud horn of the person parked next to him. As if a blaring horn could solve the problem. The cacophony was driving him insane.

He knew he would be making his purchase at Flowers and Blossoms – he wanted to call them in advance so that they would be ready with the bouquet as he drove in. He found the line busy.

As he sat gazing out his window a child came running with a bag full of bubble gun. The child fired a shot and the soap bubbles came floating in. They reflected beautiful hues from the evening lights. Eddie was tempted to burst one but checked himself. He looked away till he felt the child having moved on.

Almost immediately there was a loud explosion that sent his car flying into the air.
She heard of it in the breaking news of the local news channel.

She reached the sight without losing time. There were glass shreds and blood all around. Insects were buzzing around the dead remains. The paramedics were running around with stretchers to save precious lives.

She stumbled upon a cut arm and she recognized the wrist watch. She held it in her hands and went numb.


  1. Surprise twist! And very strong ending.

  2. Tragic ending, for her to find him like that.

    1. The more I try to avoid tragedies, the more they get framed. I am waiting for a theme where I will write a happy ending.

  3. I was afraid he would die - people waiting for people stuck in traffic rarely get good news in literature. The child with the bubbles is stuck in my heart - I hope that kid got clear. I was a little confused. "bag full of bubble gun." Did the kid have a bag of bubble gum, a bubble gun? I think the latter, but am not certain.
    bag full of bubble gun.

    1. bag full of bubble gun ... bubble gun is a play toy ... used by kids where I live ... they fill it up with soap or detergent solutions and then play with it like guns. Only when they trigger them off ... lots of bubbles are formed ... i think it is also called bubble shooter.

      Check this link here

  4. Thanks for linking up this weekend. We hope you can come back for the weekday challenge too. Remember to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages for news on what's happening on the site.

  5. Very well written Ruby! Thank you so much for your sweet notes to me, and for your concern. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I hope you're doing well. It was good for me to take a break, but I've missed my blogging friends :)

    1. Thank you Marcia. I had been waiting forever to hear from you. It will be great to have you back. And I do hope your break was a rejuvenating one.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.