
Not Durga, Not Lakshmi

While walking through rural Haryana, I was deeply struck by the names given to young girls: names like Antima, Kaafi, Maafi, Batheri, and Ks...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Beautiful dreams

Dressed in all her finery, Mekhla looked as beautiful as a new bride.
She had specifically told him to be early that day – “I will observe the fast today for your health and long living.”
“You don’t have to do that – you know. I trust you and your love for me”
“All the same, this is one way to get you home early today.”
She still remembered every detail of her wedding – the pious fire, the seven vows that brought them together. She was lost in the thoughts of the day they had tied the nuptial knot and the echo of the hymns in her thoughts was so real that it drowned his footsteps.
She was brought back to reality with a loud clearing of the throat. “You look beautiful”
Mekhla blushed – her cheeks turning a bright red …
… and Megha closed the book at this point. Fed on the local Mills and Boons, she soon drifted to the dreams where Mekhla was replaced by a resplendent Megha. Outside the full moon shone bright.


  1. Oh to get lost in a good story.

    1. I often to loose myself in good stories and that was the inspiration. I did not want this one to have a sad ending. So I worked it out like this. I can only hope the effort works out.

  2. Great twist at the end. It was charming for them to "live happily ever after" on the shelf.

  3. Loved reading this - I really like a story within a story.

  4. I was fascinated by the wedding rituals with the 'pious fire' and specific number of vows. I got a little lost when she snapped out of the story/dream and went back into it, possibly because the main character's name was so close to the protagonist's name, if that makes sense?

    1. I will try to be more careful with the names next time. Thank you for reading and sharing your ideas. I really appreciate it.

  5. This is really pretty writing. Like Jester, I was completely into the traditions. The seven vows. The fire. I love the happy ending. We don't see a lot of those, and we appreciate them. Hope you'll come back for the weekend challenge.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.