Saturday, January 24, 2015


The "To-let" scribbled messily on the facade drew attention. The building was mired in shadows, even in bright day light. The place had definitely seen better days. The weed-grown yard of the derelict, perhaps it missed the hands that had tended rose-beds. The red skin scraped off by the claws of green moss. The gaping hollows in place of doors and windows. The soul and skeleton bared. The classic, and if I am not mistaken, British flavor of the frontage. Abandoned. Forsaken. I am told the place is jinxed. Misfortune has befallen various owners. The "To-let" slapped in sheer mockery.

Linking with Alphabe-Thursday : J


  1. I actually like the way the building looks. There's something about the decaying former beauty that appeals to me although I also know how it could make some sad.

    1. Even I loved the building in rustic raw shape. I wish it were habitable

  2. I could live there and maybe wipe the jinx away. I do like your description though.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  3. looks like a desperate attempt to rent a building! Like the edges of the image! {:-D

    1. Yeah but the stories abound and so it stands lifeless.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.