Saturday, January 24, 2015

Gone, but not forgotten

Dear Gammy,

Today I made the sweet yellow rice. Well, yes! I attempted them again.
And the Basant of 2012 flashed before my eyes.
It seemed like yesterday.
When mum was not home, and I tried my hand at what was supposed to be sweet yellow rice but ended up a disaster.
You were the only one who dared to taste that catastrophe. Even I gave up.
And just because you showed confidence in that mushy mess, I take leaps today.
I so wish you were here.
But your boat is already ashore.
You maybe gone, Gammy, but never forgotten.

Courtesy: Friday Fictioneers
Linking with : Friday Fictioneers


  1. Dear Ruby,

    A sweet story and a nice take on the prompt.



  2. A delightful little tale. I like the idea of 'the boat already ashore' when a lot of people have construed that final journey as 'putting out to sea'. Very nice.

    1. Thank you so much Sandra. I guess theology subconsciously inspired that particular idea.

  3. This is a precious letter, Ruby. Nice way to handle the prompt.

    All my best,
    Marie Gail


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.