Saturday, August 24, 2019

Hare Krishna

The young cowherd, the god-child,
the prankster,
the brazen, besotted lover,
the flautist, the divine hero,
the universal supreme being,
the omnipresent, the omnipotent,
the omniscient, the elemental and inclusive,
how do I define thee?
The ink runs dry,
the paper insufficient,
the words, incommensurate.
Draft after draft,
I write and rewrite,
my greetings for you.
I fail in my attempts.
The verse, incomplete,
bereft and wanting.
I scroll
through the incessant mental-chatter
to find a fitting word
to begin the next draft.
Hare Krishna.
I pause.
I look no further.
The verse is complete.

“Hare krishna”.

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Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.