Sunday, June 9, 2019

Come soon

Spick and span,
fragrant with the bloom of your favorite flowers,
the house is ready to greet you, my love.
Come soon!
For the daisies will wilt,
and dust will gather
in the crevices
of that designer wrought iron railing.
And darling! I am growing old now.
The dusting, the watering, the climbing of stairs
have all become once in a daytime things.
Amidst the places to visit and errands to run,
I long to hear you ramble
from the diwan bed in the lobby,
munching the home-cooked culinary delights.
And my arms are aching to hold you. Come soon!

 Linking with Friday Fictioneers 



  1. Whomever is coming home is a very blessed person to have someone like the "waiter" waiting for them.

    1. Kids. The Blessed of all humans... Thank you Jade. It is so encouraging to see the thoughts pouring in.

  2. I feel a sense that she (?) has been waiting a very long time. Sad undertone, and if I'm right, you've done it very well. If that's not what you intended, then forgive me for misreading :)

    1. Your reading of the piece is spot on. I feel so honored that the writing is so relatable. Thank you for stopping by and leaving me so inspired.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.