Monday, December 16, 2019

Welcome the clown

The prompt word is clown. And I am delving into descriptive poetic form called Cinquain. The sheer joy that the whitefaced clown spreads, an image so vividly inscripted in our minds. Who knows what he feels behind his mask, it is the laughter that he can elicit from his audience that matters.
And as the wise say, it is healthy to be a clown for a little while in this circus of life.
For that brave spirit, I ink my words...

Comic. Clumsy.
Juggling. Joking. Joshing.
Silly escapades. Sublime smiles.

Linking with

Welfare unto all 
Rab rakha 🤗 🤗 🤗 


  1. I like the poem and how it ends with "buffoon" - as if questioning whether acting the clown is really a wise choice, or maybe it's an act, a facade on the clown's part. I have to ask though, where does the saying "it is healthy to be a clown for a little while in this circus of life" come from? Neat quote. I googled it but didn't find much.

    1. I am so glad that what I wanted to convey comes across in the post. As for the saying, I kind of improvised some famous quotes. So, it is basically an essence of many wise words, my very own interpretation.

  2. The consonance of the "J" sounds supported the whimsical tone of the poem.

    1. Thank you. I was wondering if the words fit well and you just answered me.
      Thank you so much for such kind words.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.