Friday, April 5, 2019

Oh! I wish

As this day rises,
may joys accompany you,
in your journey.
May you rejoice,
in simplest pleasures,
that surround you,
all the time.
May you find,
the beauty,
of life and of living:
in the stray leaf,
that flutters,
in the lap of gentle winds;
in the rays of early sun,
that play peek-a-boo;
in the songbird that nestles,
on the window sill,
weaving tiny twigs together;
in that wildflower spring bloom;
in the rejuvenating morning walks;
in the leisurely evening saunters;
in the exhilarating
first gush of cool breeze;
in the salvation
of clear spring water;
in the thrill
of spotting constellations
in that polka-dotted blanket of night;
in the youth of hatching eggs.
Yes! They are there,
such fragments,
such basic ingredients,
and they,
are all beautiful.
May these be your rewards
this day and ever.
Oh! I wish.


  1. I love this! What a wonderful job of combining those two prompts. And the imagery is amazing.

  2. Thank you very much for telling me how much you have enjoyed reading my words. I'm so pleased to know that it brightens my day.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.