Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Deliberately she wipes the clothesline,
with a dusting cloth,
to remove the specks of dust that might have gathered
on the thin iron wires
drawn taut and tight between three angeled iron holders.
But sitting in my balcony and leafing through case file,
I sense her anxiety.
Her daughter has been standing at the corner of road,
for over 15 minutes now
and that rickety yellow school bus has not picked her up yet.
The girl's school bag is sagging with the weight of curriculum
and shoulders, perhaps with the weight of expectations.
She sneaks another look at her daughter,
her hands pausing for a moment
and then she returns inside,
probably to attend to her laundry,
only to come back in less than a minute
and peep again.
Her visit this time is synchronized
with a screeching halt of Tata Winger.
Her daughter boards the bus,
just as she hangs the first cloth to dry,
grey skirt from her daughter's school uniform.


  1. beautiful...

    The girl's school bag is sagging with the weight of curriculum
    and shoulders, perhaps with the weight of expectations.

    These lines struck me hard.

  2. Wonderful. So much feeling and imagery in few words!

  3. Ruby, this is beautiful! I can really relate to a mother's worry for her daughter. Well done!

  4. You have some beautiful images in here - really, it's one of the strongest things about your writing in general. Those opening five lines are wonderful.

    1. Thank you so much Christine for such encouraging words

  5. I like the everyday imagery here; it really creates a sense of time and mood.

  6. This is just delightful. I love all of the descriptions. Especially the weight of curriculum. Reminds me of my 20lb bag of books every day to and from school. Lovely work, Ruby!

    1. I am so glad to hear that I could bring out the scene clearly. Thank you so much.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.