Saturday, March 26, 2016


My mother is packing my bag,
because I am too lazy to do it myself,
and because I stack things in a horrifying manner,
and also because deep down she knows,
I am being dramatic;
That my postponing this exercise
will not change the fact
that I have to leave tonight.
My father is hovering around
hiding a green apple or two,
or maybe mandarins this time,
between the folds of my clothes,
our protests notwithstanding,
And I am staring at the
fluttering list of holidays.
All my bags packed,
I leave an important part of me behind – my heart.


  1. I feel this way whenever I travel home to visit my parents and have to leave too soon. This line was particularly poignant, "My father is hovering around / hiding a green apple or two, / or maybe mandarins this time"

  2. Oh my..what a beautiful way to represent a parting.

  3. It's always difficult to leave those we love. Visually simple, but stunning.

    1. Especially when it is time for festivities.
      Thank you so much.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.