Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Lilting taste of childhood

Lilting taste of childhood on my tongue,
delicacies doled out by your hearth,
wounded knees running down the streets,
unburdened shoulders practicing at chin-up bars,
careless giggles at petty nothings,
unfinished home works and unlearnt chapters,
splashing in puddles and running after kites,
catching fireflies and winning paperboat races,
having you pick up after me,
my knee high socks, belts, ties and toys,
strewn all over the carpeted floors,
bedside stories ringing with love,
melodic harmonies lulling me to sleep,
words of wisdom leading me to light,
your hurrying me to reach school on time,
scolding me for my errant ways,
smothering me with loving embraces.
Lilting taste of childhood in everything
and though I had my fair share,
yet it seems like
I have not had enough of it.


  1. Full of rich images!

  2. My favorite: unburdened shoulders practicing at chin-up bars

    You know, it is true. When we are children we can't wait to grow up and leave it. But the moment we are in the adult world we miss all that we didn't know we had when we had it!

    1. Unburdened shoulders happens to be my favorite too. It is a borrowed phrase. I read it somewhere and it stayed with me.
      I so agree with you ... The dilemma of growing up

  3. Ruby, this was beautiful! we all have those days when we don;t want to adult anymore and wish we were children again. Unburdened shoulders is brilliant!

    1. Yeah the bliss of childhood.
      Unburdened shoulders is not totally my idea but since it went with my ideas, I used it.

  4. I liked the assortment of items that get picked up after. It is vivid imagery many a parent can relate to.

    1. Happens with me all the time when my nephews come visiting. So I just put it in words. I am glad you like it.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.