Monday, November 2, 2015

X is for ... Xmas

The faint scent of winter in the air
With the remains of autumn,
Fireworks and light
Swirling into our nights,
Traditions seeping into
Our daily lives,
Spirits conquering the
Inertia of routine,
Souls seeking sacral refuge
In celebrations.
The days leading upto Xmas,
Rich with the scent of festivities.
The nights dizzyingly beautiful,
Evenings glistening with love,
And tea-time conversations,
Centered around homebound journeys.
Yay! I can feel the Xmas peeking
From around the corners.

Jenny Matlock


  1. Ahhh, I cannot with winter coming. I'm in Boston. It's way too cold for my California blood!


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.