Thursday, June 11, 2015

D is for ... Dinner

The family gathered together,
Around the old mahogany table,
The night coming alive
In the clamor of spoons and speeches,
Clueing in each other
About the day that was,
Planning the day that will be,
Occasionally making faces
At not-so-favorite dish
Or perhaps a repeat menu,
And still ending up eating it
With globs of love and joy,
The hands reaching out for bowls
At the same time,
And spirits
Merrily bonding over salads,
And lentils and rice,
Thank you Lord,
That there is dinner on my plate,
And breakfast on my table
And family to share it with.
Bless my Lord,
The hands that
Prepare it with love,
The hearth that nourishes us,
And holds for a guest or two.
Thank you Lord
That I can relish the taste

And savor the blessing.

Jenny Matlock


  1. Great words. Thanks for sharing for letter D. Dinner is a blessed time!
    My post is up too. Have a great Friday.

    1. Hey Grantham,
      Good to hear from you. Will definitely visit your blog.
      Thank you

  2. Oh, if only more families shared at family dinners. We always did! Very much enjoyed your poem.

    1. Thank you Sarah.
      I look forward to family dinners. They are so much fun

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Gattina. It is pleasure to hear from you

  4. We always shared family dinners. I miss the deliciousness of the company and the chaos and delight of all being together.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful writing for the letter D.


    1. Thank you Jenny. Family dinners are so much fun. Can't help feeling blessed when the family gathers around dinner table


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.