Saturday, April 18, 2015

Vagrant mind

Courtesy: Image forwarded by a cousin on what's app

The hills beckoned her. So did her home, sweet-home, the serpent-trail of river, hovering clouds and fresh crisp air. Her name echoed in the valley. Distant. Resonant. Again. This time, closer. Authoritative. Her manager rattled off some paragraphs of instructions. Ah! The reality-bite. Disheartened, she began the speech-to-text conversion. Almost verbatim. Shot a furtive glance on desk calendar. One more week and her paycheck would be arriving. Scrimpy incentive to stay in that concrete jungle. Another furtive glance. 4th May blared in her otherwise subdued schedule. Already she could feel the bus taking that last bend on the circuitous highway.
Courtesy: Friday Fictioneers

Linking with Alphabe-Thursday: Letter V
Linking with Friday Fictioneers


  1. Hi this ismy first encounter with your blog . I have been following alphabet Thursday for a long time but only once managed to complete the whole 26 letters
    I have been away from blogging for a while but now trying to catch up and keep uap see you again .

    1. Hi there ... It is really a pleasure to hear from you. Thank you for the visit. Hopefully you enjoyed it too.

  2. I like the shots so much and your writing is always very creative.

    1. The shots are provided by writing challenges. Thank you for stopping by and appreciating

  3. Interesting piece. Wishing one's life away, hanging on tomorrow: the time to be happy is now.

  4. Enjoyed your post and writing style ! You have given me the courage to write more next time for the letter "W" !!!

    1. Thank you for your visit and kind words. It is really heartening to know that I can inspire you to write more. It is really a pleasure to hear such compliments. Thank you once again


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.