Friday, April 10, 2015

For Boys also

Amidst the ballyhoo for women liberation, the masculine clique feels relegated. But their muted whispers are lost in the shrill and sonorous clamour.
Why, just the other day, fractious middle-aged lady shouted on a young man occupying the “ladies only”. The young lad, visibly annoyed, vacated the seat but his grouse was loud and riotous, “Guide me to the “males only” seats, if you will please!”
Today, slapped on four unreserved seats of the public conveyance were the words “FOR COLLEGE BOYS ONLY”.
The grumble is definitely growing. Perhaps, it is time to indulge the boys now.
Counterbalance and equipoise.


  1. You are a talented writer. I know quite a few men who are feminist. I've always looked at it as human liberation with everyone being able to try and be their best self regardless of gender but I do think it can be harder for men who want to take time off work and stay home with young children while their wife works. I've known couples that worked well for but sometimes I do think it's easier for women to pursue careers than for men to take on caregiver roles that used to be primarily done by women. By that I just mean some people think a man staying home with children should get a job while when it's reversed it's sometimes easier for women who choose to stay home with children.

    1. Thank you Carver for sharing an insight into the psyche of the society. And I really like the word human liberation. Because such drives have to be comprehensive and inclusive to be effective


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