Friday, December 19, 2014

The growing and the raking

Did you just see what she was wearing?
Actually, it is only a little short.
What time did she get back last night?
Actually, she did not. She returned this morning.
What is it with her and her phone? She rarely leaves it alone.
Actually kids these days like to stay connected. All the time.
Night stay with friends?
Actually, its just a night stay.
A Boy friend? At her age?
Take a chill pill.
Seems like I am raking against a wall.
Seems like we are growing old. Don't worry her roots will stay tangled in our little web.

Courtesy: Friday Fictioneers

Linking with: Friday Fictioneers


  1. quite an interesting take on the prompt

  2. The poor parents. I know how they feel. You've captured their voices, and their conncerns, very well. As a mother of two daughters, I can identify. I like how you've used the 'web' idea.

    1. Thank you so much Margirene.. It is my pleasure to hear from you.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.