
The pulse of freedom

There is a sight I hold dear. A misty morning, a grey veil, green hills in the background, lush and abundant. On the fore, at about 100 feet...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


The innocent babbling
Some that I can comprehend
Some that I fail to grasp;
Tiny little hands
Falling in
A comforting grasp;
The infectious smile
That holds me captive;
The naïve games
Those keep us involved;
And his antics
Keeping us on toes;
The learning to speak,
To walk, play, read and color;
The learning to live;
The curious eyes
Following us through;
The curiosity
To see him evolve;
The urge to grasp in
More hours, minutes and seconds;
For days fall seemingly short
And no time is ever enough,

To bask in blessed company of a child.

Linking with Trifecta: Week Ninety


  1. Beautiful and, oh so true! Every single word of your poem resonates within my heart. From one lover of children and their world, to another....thanks for sharing such great work. :)

  2. Every word reminded me of when my kids were little, and this is so true - "And no time is ever enough."

    1. Thank you so much Tara. I am glad the poem brings back happy memories for you

  3. Lovely entry, Ruby! I could sync with every gesture of love for my little ones.

  4. "no time is ever enough" - that says it all

  5. Yes, yes, yes. I just put my youngest on the school bus for the first time. This touched a nerve. Thanks for linking up. Don't forget to come back and vote at the end of the challenge.

  6. So true. No time is ever enough, and it's shocking at how fast it goes by, and then the little ones aren't so little anymore.

    1. Thank you so much Janna. It is always a pleasure to hear such encouraging words from you

  7. Your work is always great for the emotions it sparks.

    1. Thank you Draug for all the support you lend me through your kind words

  8. Oh, I know this feeling well! Lovely job!


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.