Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Black jeans or blue?

“Black jeans or blue?”
And all this while
I thought
These would be no-brainers.
 The challenge, I mean,
With an alphabet a day.
Or choosing what to wear
From amongst what are
Just handful of options.
Well, how hard it can be?
But having typed
And re-typed
And re-re-typed
(Am I glad I am not using paper?)
And staring at
The closet left wide open
For what’s been
Exactly don’t know how many hours,
I guess I was mistaken.
May be I am plain brain-fagged.
May be I over-estimated
My poor own self.
But all said and done
I am not doing that bad.
I am nearly done with the post
So what if I am not yet sure
if it is going to be
Black jeans or blue?

Linking up with Blogging From A to Z - Letter B


  1. And? What colour did you decide on? :)

    1. Blue, by popular choice .. Thank you so much D.J. Kirkby

  2. BLUE!!! Worn out, holey, and frayed.

    1. Thank you so much Nancy. Blue it will be and I have one that's worn out and frayed (but not holey) so I guess it will do.

  3. Congrats on doing the challenge! I've wanted to try this for some time, but time always gets ahead of me. I vote for blue, by the way.

    1. Thank you Kelly. Now that I have started doing this, I hope to be able to finish this too. And blue I guess, it will be. Thank you for helping me choose.

  4. Replies
    1. I bought one this time - dark blue and pitch black :) Thank you Deana

  5. Black jeans with a white t-shirt! Good luck on the rest of the A to Z Challenge. Looks like you've got a great start.

    1. Thats my plan for tomorrow - only it will be a shirt and not t-shirt. Thank you so much. Guess I will need all the help I can get to see through this.


Since every thought is a seed, I am looking forward to a delicious harvest.